Trademark Services


Protect your brand anywhere in the world.

What is a Trademark Filing?

Local businesses, multinationals, charities and celebrities are all owners of trade marks. A trade mark can be any sign that identifies you as the owner of your goods or services to make it clear they belong to you. It is the badge by which customers find your products or services in the marketplace. The owner of a trade mark has exclusive use of that sign. Once in use, your trading reputation and goodwill will be attached to your business – making your trade marks some of your most valuable assets. It is a symbol of trust. Many things can be registered as a trade mark - names and logos are the most common. A trade mark can be anything that allows consumers to distinguish your goods or services from those of another.

In house teams across the globe

RightHub has dynamic teams based in the UK, Nordics and the USA. We are on hand to help file your next application.

Our service orders include

Verified professionals
Competitive pricing
Customer support
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