Trademark Services


Be alerted to when similar marks are filed or track the progress of similar marks.

What is a Trademark Watch?

Trademark monitoring services or trademark watch services search trademark registers for potential trademark infringement of your client’s trademarks. There are a variety of ways to watch for infringement and you’ll need to select a service that offers the scope of monitoring that serves your client’s needs. But generally speaking, trademark watch services monitor trademark registers in a particular jurisdiction and look for newly-filed applications, newly-published marks, and/or registered marks that are the same or similar to your client’s mark in the same class of goods/services. You may also elect to monitor the mark in additional classes of goods/services. Trademark watch services notify you any time a mark appears that meets your particular criteria, allowing you to assess the situation and take action to stop potential infringement if warranted.

In house teams across the globe

RightHub has dynamic teams based in the UK, Nordics and the USA. We are on hand to help file your next application.

Our service orders include

Verified professionals
Competitive pricing
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